"The family should be a closely knit group. The home should be a self-contained shelter of security; a kind of school where life’s basic lessons are taught; and a kind of church where God is honored; a place where wholesome recreation and simple pleasures are enjoyed."

--Billy Graham

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Through the month of November, I like to take time each day and write what I'm thankful for. I admit that I don't do this enough and I really enjoy taking time to think about these things. They won't be in a particular order, but just what God lays on my heart for the day.
Today, on November 1, I am thankful for how the Holy Spirit leads and the peace I receive from following. I have been a Christian since I was young, but I didn't always know what it meant to "Be still and listen" to God. And I still don't always do it when I should, but I can think of specific moments in my life that I did and those moments have forever changed me.
I'm thankful that God leads in my life and His way is the right way...even when I don't see it. I'm thankful that even when there are closed doors, God grants a peace that I will never comprehend.
He's real. He's in my life. And it has made a difference.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

No greater job

"Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaries jobs in my field since the payment is pure love." Mildred B Vermont
"I looked on child-rearing not only as a work of love and duty but as a profession that was fully as interesting and challenging as any honorable profession in the world and one that demanded the best that I could bring it." Rose Kennedy
Today, I took Cora outside to play with her ball a bit and run around. I couldn't help but think about how special it is that I get to stay home everyday to play with her, laugh with her and teach her things. I thought about my other responsibilities as a youth director, Thirty-One Consultant and my roles at church. But none of them compare to or are as important as role of mommy. At home is where she will learn about God, love, treating others with respect and about responsibilities.
My dad used to tell me that his first congregation is his family. He said this to let us know that even though he was led to be a Pastor, if he lost sight of his family along the way, then he would feel like he failed. I knew that this statement was a big deal, but I don't think I fully grasped what he meant at that time until Cora came into our lives. I now know the depth of that statement and have made it my goal to live it out as well. She and hopefully down the road, other little Schulte kids will be/are our first "youth group". I have made that commitment to be the one to teach her about God, love and how to treat others because I don't want her to learn about it in other places. Craig and I have already had many discussions about how bad this world is getting-how so many people have such compromised views from what God's will and plan are. There's no way I will put off teaching her about the most important things in life because I want her to know the truth.
The greatest title I have is being called mommy.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Every girl needs a Jeanette

This past week, my heart has been overwhelmed with great sadness. My dear friend, Jeanette was diagnosed with brain cancer. She had surgery today and they were able to remove the big tumor. But she still has a long road of recovery plus treatment for the other tumors. I have cried and prayed so hard for her this week. And I've thought about the many memories I've had with her. Being a PK, I've known many who have gotten sick, but I've had a hard time knowing that Jeanette has cancer because my relationship with her is different. She was always there for me since we moved to West Chester. I've always been close to my parents, but I really believe Jeanette helped me survive life as a teenager. She let me vent to her about many things, talk to her about friends and boys and she just spent time with me. She would take me to her classroom several times each summer to clean and get things organized for the kids. She took me out to eat many times just to chat. She would take me shopping. And she bought my first set of dishes-my cloud dish set. I have great memories of our family taking a vacation with her and Jim up to Mackinac Island. I have many memories of riding in the back of their station wagon to the restaurant they were taking us to. Lots of smiles, laughs and great conversations. And in more recent years, they were able to attend my wedding (even though it was 2 & 1/2 hours away from West Chester). It was so special to have them there. And this past spring, I was able to introduce my daughter to Jim and Jeanette. It was a special thing to see Jeanette holding Cora and playing with her for the few minutes we were able to visit. They always make time to for me, even if it's for a short time. And as I was thinking back on all the memories I've had with Jeanette and how she had such an important role in my life (especially during those awkward teen years), I couldn't help but think...am I being a Jeanette to anyone in my life? I am going to try harder in the relationships with the girls/teens to be more intentional and spend more time just getting to know them, let them talk, vent and tell all about the drama and boys in their lives. I think everyone deserves a Jeanette in their lives!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Lacking Inspiration

I have never really considered myself "creative".
I'm definitely not an artist ( I do love and appreciate art).
I'm definitely not a interior designer ( I'd love it if things were at least hung up on our walls).
I'm definitely not a landscaper (we are attempting some flowers outside).
I'm definitely not a fashion designer (my idea of fashion is comfy and cute...but comfy usually wins out).
And I'm definitely not a hair dresser (I have 2 styles for my hair-up in a pony tail or down until I decide I'm too hot or Cora keeps pulling it...then it's up again).

I write this because I have aspirations to be creative. I doubt I'll ever be an artist, but there are other things I can do (creating things from pinterest for example). Hoping that I won't be lacking inspiration for long.

Monday, July 25, 2011

You know you are a new mommy when...

So a couple months ago, I wrote a post about being pregnant. Since then I have had my beautiful baby girl and things have changed. A LOT. So here's my list of you know you are a new mommy when:
1. You encourage burping.
2. Snot and Spit up are a new fashion statement on your clothes
3. The only schedules you keep track of is feedings and poops
4. You know the songs and start singing them from the baby toys
5. You are sleep deprived
6. You wake up in the middle of the night and wonder where your child is (afraid that you didn't put them back in their crib).
7. You refer to and call your husband daddy most of the time
8. You actually want a van because of all the things you need to take for your child.
9. You love snotty kisses.
10. Your vocab consists of one or two syllable words.
11. A trip to the grocery store alone is a vacation.
12. People who are supposed to serve you pay more attention to your child.
13. Your child has more clothes than you and your husband do combined.
14. You know all the kid tv shows and what time they air.
15. You sing kid songs in public to keep your baby from crying.
16. Laundry is now a never ending process.
17. It takes 20 minutes longer to get ready to leave since you now have to get diaper bag ready, get food for baby ready, change baby first, put baby in car seat, make sure you have everything, find your keys and load everything into car.
18. You love nap time and get sad if your child misses it.
19. Your house is a constant mess and there's not much hope it will ever be clean.
20. You have never laughed and smiled as much as you do now with your child.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

more preparation

Those 9 months leading up to the birth, the classes, all the items we purchased and books we read....none of that REALLY prepares you for the baby that you will have. They don't prepare you for the crying fits. Or for the nasty, smelly diapers. Or how tiny and delicate they will be. Or how cuddly and cute they will be.

It's been 2 weeks since I gave birth to Cora Marie. She was 6lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long born at 2:50 in the afternoon. I went in the evening before with contractions 4-5 minutes apart and they almost sent me home since I wasn't dialating much. I'm so glad they let me stay! It was painful, but I'm so glad for pain meds and epidurals! It was a rough first few days with pain, breastfeeding and exhaustion, but we are slowly getting into a "routine" or about as much of a "routine" that you can get with a newborn.

Cora has so much personality already. If I wake her up, it sometimes takes 20 minutes for her to actually show her eyes. She stretches and makes the cutest facial expressions while waking up. From the moment she was born, she was sticking out her little tongue. It's really a cue that she's hungry, but it's so stinkin' adorable! And I just love putting all her cute outfits on her each day...yes the same way I used to dress up my Barbies.

There have been tears on both of our parts already, but I wouldn't trade a moment with her. I love my little Cora Bug!

Friday, April 29, 2011

You know you are pregnant when...

So there are the OBVIOUS ways you can tell you are pregnant, but I thought it'd be fun to list some of the other ways I have changed and my experiences as this baby is growing in my belly.
You know you are pregnant when:
1. you start laughing and can't stop for over 5 minutes
2. you start to waddle instead of walk
3. you have to wear your husband's t-shirts and they actually fit
4. you eat a meal and are immediately hungry again
5. you actually enjoy the pushes and pains from your child
6. you have Tums near your bed in case of acid reflux or heartburn
7. you cry when anything is even slightly sad
8. your mom starts talking to your belly
9. you take at least one nap a day (sometimes more)
10. you have to buy toilet paper more often due to all the potty trips
11. you can't walk down the street without feeling the need to pee
12. you are getting used to wearing the same outfits over again since you don't have much variety with maternity clothes
13. you would much rather wear something with an elastic band
14. shopping wears you out
15. you have to make a stop at the baby section of the store you are in
16. you have to roll out of bed
17. you have weird dreams including criminal activities
18. certain foods make you gag
19. all you want to eat is cereal
20. a lady at church comes up to you every time you see her to tell you that you look like you are gaining weight